Log on to the official website of Karnataka's chief electoral officer, and click on the link online application. Once name, email ID and mobile number are provided, a unique login number and password will be provided to a new user.
Log on to the official website of Karnataka's chief electoral officer, and click on the link online application. Once name, email ID and mobile number are provided, a unique login number and password will be provided to a new user.
The user will then have to log on with the provided login number and password, and fill Form 6 online. A scan of a passport size photograph must be attached. "Though the application can be filed online, hard copies of address proof and identity proof have to be sent to a nearby voters facilitation centre. Booth level officials will verify the documents and may conduct physical verification with this, the entire process of electoral identification can be done within a month. EPIC will be despatched to the applicant by post, or it can be collected from the booth level office"
For Including Your Name in Electoral Roll FORM NO: 6
For Deleting Your Name From Electoral Roll FORM NO: 7
For Modifying Your Name in Electoral Roll FORM NO: 8
For Transposing Your Name in Electoral Roll FORM NO: 8A
CLICK HERE: Know Your Application Status
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